Not Tomorrow, Not Yesterday, But TODAY!

I stand at the door and knock
Now, now…Just Now
Earlier this week I was trying to set aside my days off from work to be totally with the Lord.,  but I made the mistake of watching a video that, while the Lord had inspired it, it was not something He wanted me to be focusing my attention on at that moment.    It was regarding the upcoming Shemitah this September 2015, … an interview with Jonathan Cahn who recommended preparing for what crisis is due to occur at that time, due to the United State’s hardness of heart and the seven year cycles of warnings God has permitted for us and Israel.
     I became preoccupied and worried about my 401k rollover , where I have some conservative stocks that I was obsessing if I should exchange them for bonds, .etc..  due to this upcoming Shemitah.       This got in the way of my personal time with the Lord…   and robbed me of my joy of being with Him.
   I was reminded that all of these things are not going to last anyway, and our Home is not here on this Earth.    The only reason I even have a 401k is due to starting up one at an insurance company I used to work at years ago.  When I quit there, I needed to roll the money over or else pay heavy penalty fees.    So out of fear, I just rolled it over into my insurance company’s own 401k .     Since I am single and know I will be living on an extremely limited income, with hardly any social security by the time I retire, I felt having this would keep me from being homeless by the time I’m 75.    Forget about luxuries or cruises..
Well, my straying from the Lord that day by watching that video anyway, opened the door to a lot of anxiety and I wasn’t truly able to connect with the Lord all that day afterwards.  I also had to be at work the next day and was not happy.  That evening I asked the Lord to please help.  Should I wait until another  me.. “should I concern myself about my IRA right now?” I asked Him.  Opening up at random to a book I purchased of a woman’s personal testimony with the Lord, I came to a chapter with the heading, “Provision By Heavenly Provider”.   Not a coincidence, I realized!..  I  told no one about this situation between me and the Lord and my spiritual “ADHD” and anxiety over the future,     but a friend of mine who has been baptized by the Holy Spirit years ago, sent me an email with a personal message from our Lord.   One part of it was separate from the rest of the message and was emailed to me separately.
    It was our Lords’ words through her which said this:   “He is the God of now!  So do not fret in the day… just for the moment you have;  Not the one before or the one to come– now, now… just now.” 
I emailed my friend that this was more than a coincidence… and she had no way of knowing.   The next morning I received her reply in my gmail, but I could not find that original message she sent me whatsoever.  Luckily I had copied down the message in my journal.   in fact, my friend seemed to be unsure what I was referring to in her reply.     It was as though the Lord emailed me separately using my friend’s email and it was only meant for that moment in time for me.     not the past, nor the future, but this moment in time is where He can be found..  in the Now!.
update 5/17/2015- 8:05 am.    In my morning devotions before getting ready for Sunday school this morning, this is what the Lord gave me from His words in ‘He and I”:   “My Child, ponder ore often on the value of the present moment, the danger of going back over the past and the uselessness of gazing into the future.  Just live the moment you have in your hands simply and lovingly.”
Earlier this morning in prayer, I heard the words with Him using my own thoughts to speak them, say “Moments fleeting“.
lisa aug.

3 thoughts on “Not Tomorrow, Not Yesterday, But TODAY!

  1. I can relate Lisa – I have spent the last year making plans to leave messages to my family … bibles with relevant scriptures highlighted – letters with an overview of end times and things to watch our for. I bought my house a few years back on a much sought after Island away from the mainland with its own water and green septic system – thinking that my backslidden children could escape here from all the troubles in the cities. Imagine my surprise when I saw them in one of my open visions in heaven and Yeshua said they would be raptured ……also for the past month I have been having open visions of my property ransacked raided and being lived in by strangers! It really doesn’t matter what plans we make YHWH”s perfect plan will come to pass and when we are gone things will no longer matter. Abba has impressed on me though to buy and leave bibles as they will be impossible to get hold of and when Nibiru or an EMP hits there will be no technology for a long time. I particularly like the Halleluyah Scripture bibles – reputedly the purest translation to date and they have made a PLASTIC waterproof edition especially for last days……. they offer them free but like donations if they can be afforded so that they can gift more bibles to others. Anyway we need to store our treasures in heaven and PTL my two sons will be raptured so for me that will be true x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for your testimony reply and encouragement sister! Jesus is showing me this week to get those “but what if’s” out of my thinking.. When I was a child my sister and I were constantly asking my parents, “Mom, Dad, what if THIS happens… what will we do?” and my mother often would tell us, “NO what ifs…let’s worry about today!” And so my sister and I both have the tendency toward anxiety of what could happen and we are ever preparing ahead of time …just in case. I hadn’t realized that this kind of mindset can actually come between us and Jesus.. and His will in our lives that we are to live moment by moment with Him.
      He really showed me last week aspects of my nature that need to come under submission to Him. Thank you, Yahshuah♥
      ps.. that is awesome that your children will be raptured….that you were shown this in a vision! and what you did about buying that “off the grid, green home on that island would have been exactly what I would have done.. and yet, see, how it wouldn’t have made a difference anyway! …wow!

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  2. These testimonies are great burden lifters for sure. I realize now that it doesn’t matter what we have to leave behind….even pics of our loved ones. Most of them we will see in Heaven…”the real item(s)”. It is so good to hear these encouraging posts. It helps quell the anxiety.
    Much love to you for this,

    Liked by 2 people

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