Archive | July 2020

Spiritual Aunts & Uncles For The Abused Children

Beloved friends,

Jesus has urged me to share with you the joy I’m finding in lovingly encouraging trafficked children. I hesitated a while before committing myself to this, and wrote to Mother Clare about 18 months ago. This was her reply:

Your heart is for the children, just ask the Lord, “Send them to me Lord, I will comfort them.”  That’s all it takes and you may start to see them.  I saw them today.  Be very still, quiet and calm and listen, look, expecting to see or hear something.  Do not write it off to imagination when you see something, take it as the real deal.”

Mother Clare

Before sharing my testimony, I’m including excerpts from Mother Clare’s messages:

“My dear ones, you cannot imagine the plight these children are in. Their minds are so warped and twisted by fear, they cannot reason enough to escape their situation. They have the threat of being killed held over their heads. In some cases, even their families are being threatened if they do not comply. It is a wicked, evil system Satan has given these men to control vulnerable souls, making them victims of the most deplorable exploitation ever known to mankind…

“Then the Lord began to speak to me, “I want you to spiritually adopt trafficked children,” He began. “You are well aware of the horrible kidnapping, selling, and trafficking of poor innocent children throughout the world in many places. Not only are they taken from their parents and siblings, which in itself is terrorizing enough. But after being sold, they are beaten severely to make them submit, from the very first moment, to the unspeakable sexual abuse and painful violation of their tender little bodies.

“Some of you, yourselves, were subjected to terrible abuse and neglect when you were young, as well–and you know how devastating it was to you, even up into your adult years.

“I appeal to you now. Please work with Me to rescue, comfort, and heal these precious children and young adults who are daily victims of unbelievable terror and extreme pain; crying, begging, and pleading day and night for someone to PLEASE help them.

“They are constantly in a state of tremendous fear, as some are kept in chicken-wire cages, others in basements, cold, malnourished, and dehydrated. The only time they see the light of day is when they are dragged out, roughly washed, put in nice dresses with no under covering, and driven to clandestine motel rooms, where one or more drunken “customers” are just waiting to use and abuse them repeatedly. To hear the full messages click the links:

#. Spiritually Adopt a Trafficked Child. (Dec 16, 2017)
#. Difficult Days: Persevere. (Jan 22, 2018)
This is how I began: It was a huge leap of faith for me. One day I took a deep breath and said, “Hello children, this is Auntie Pam!” To my delight, a little voice answered!
At first I talked to the children very simply about Jesus and how much He loves them. And I prayed with them, assuring them that many other people are also praying for them. I said I would talk to them again the next day. A day or so later the children said, “We’ve told Jesus about you!” It was such a natural thing for little ones to say, and I think it was from that point that I was no longer tempted to doubt whether it was really happening.
What a joy it is to minister like this!
Time with my little group early every morning now lasts half an hour or more. Jesus has been giving me some great ideas. He prompted me to encourage them to pray Psalm 91 every day. I asked if they had anything to write on; to my surprise they had. I dictated the whole Psalm verse at a time over the next couple of weeks, encouraging them to try to learn what they could. Chatting to Jesus about the children, I told Him I wondered if I was expecting too much of them. Jesus replied, “They are going to surprise you, Pam!” And they did—big time! How excited they were to show me that they had learned the whole Psalm —they were bursting with a sense of achievement!
Then Jesus wanted me to branch out and teach the Beatitudes and His parables to them. Today it was the 23rd parable that I read to them. Jesus joins me, encouraging them Himself. He has a personal Word for the children most days. I imitate Mother Clare, saying (before I go on air) “Do You have a word for Our precious children today, Lord?” I scribble it down before joining them. They are so thrilled that Jesus has given a word just for them that they often want me to dictate His every word.
I asked my tiny group if they know any children who don’t yet belong to Jesus. They did, and knew straightaway what they should do. They were soon introducing a newly saved friend to me.  Jesus calls them His “little missionaries.”
Before long Jesus led me to teach about Holy Spirit. The children struggled to get free in tongues at first.  Remembering how I had eventually only broken free myself after a monumental struggle, I told them I would say something in tongues, and I asked them to join in, explaining that Holy Spirit wouldn’t let them make a mistake, but He couldn’t give them their own prayer language until they opened their mouth! It worked beautifully!
The next development was that they were not only winning a soul occasionally but  also praying for their new Christian friend to be baptised in Holy Spirit. At first they called me in to get their newly saved friend free in tongues. Then they realised they didn’t need my help! I was so thrilled!
Another joyous time was when the children learned what Holy Spirit does when they sing in tongues together! The way He blends their individual melodies into one glorious harmony was a surprise to them. These children are such a joy to teach. They are like little sponges, soaking up everything.
The children have been taken to visit Heaven. They were so excited to tell me all about it. Jesus told me a little later to ask them to begin thinking about how they would like their homes in Heaven to be… would they like a pet? What colours would they like in their homes? What kind of furniture? Would they, like Auntie Pam, love to have a little stream running through their garden?
One day Jesus told me He had visited Our tiny group in Person while I was talking to them. They actually saw Him among them. Wow!
A delightful development 
It was a wonderfully uplifting addition to our precious times together when Jesus gave me the idea of teaching praise and worship songs, playing them for the children on my phone. First a couple of songs by Don Francisco, then several by John Michael Talbot. I threw out a challenge one day from Don Francisco’s song “I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart.” When they had mastered the words, I challenged them to find out how many times Don Francisco sings “Hosanna!” The next day they told me it was thirty times: they were spot on! They particularly enjoy dancing to that song. Jesus told me that in Heaven they love to sing along with the children, and the Angels dance!
The old favourite ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus’ is understandably very meaningful to my little group. I taught them on Forgiveness fairly near the beginning, making sure they had fully forgiven the wrong things being done to them.
My group currently consists of eight children. I don’t ask them personal questions so I’ve no idea where they are living. They asked me how old I am. They seemed surprised. I don’t have any problem getting down to their level… when God calls us to do something for Him, He will always equip us.
Growing in the Lord
I always ask what the children would like me to pray for with them. They have asked for help in learning Bible verses, and meeting another child to lead to Jesus. One day they said one of them had hurt her foot and could hardly walk. I asked them to lay hands on her poorly foot and pray in tongues and I would be praying in tongues too. To their great joy Jesus healed the foot there and then.
One day as I was asking what I could pray about for them, they asked, “May we pray for you, Auntie Pam?” I felt like crying, bearing in mind what horrific suffering these brave little souls face day after day, after day.
It is a humbling, indescribable privilege to learn from these beautiful little ones.  I had no preparation for this, apart from Mother Clare’s encouragement to “take it as the real deal.”  I did that…  and it was!
Could Jesus be calling you to be an Uncle or an Auntie?
God bless you.
Pam ❤