
Pray Without Ceasing

I have been led lately- whenever I get to go online, to pray for all those who are suffering adverse reactions to anything in the medical World — wether they chose it , or it was forced upon them. I feel the Holy Spirit helping me in this intercession. I’ve also had a computer crash on me keeping me offline for a time, and I believe that was not a cooincidence- The dark side doesn’t want us to pray, but God does.

I asked our Lord Thanksgiving Morning (the rare time I had off) if He wants us to “travail in prayer” or is a simple prayer each day good enough… and opening up blindly His recorded words in “He and I”, wow, did He give me His response!! “First I opened up to “Love calls to Love”, and : “Because you have adored in blind faith, you will be rewarded.” Then I asked Him if He would give me anything further- feeling that He had still more for me.

I then blindly opened up to this!: “Why do I ask you to pray? Because prayer is to grace as the lighted match is to the candle. You get the picture: the first effort is man’s, then comes God. Always oneness. Never God alone. Never man alone. But God and man working together. This is the law of My love. Isn’t it beautiful? Why should you try to escape it?….So don’t be reticent. If you want Me, tell Me so. I mean pray- sink deep down into the remembrance of Me and talk to Me in a direct look. That’s what prayer is- the prayer that asks. The prayer that praises and thanks, the prayer that loves. Don’t you think that the direct look of love is very elequent?. Oh, My child, pray without ceasing Remember your Christ in His life. For Whom did He pray? You too pray for others and God will take care of you.”♥♥♥

Porpoise Dream Encouragement


Hey guys, I had a dream last night. I dreamed I saw what I thought was a baby alligator in the water, but then it moved and I realized I was looking at just the arm of a huge alligator submerged under the water. The monstrous alligator swam over to a huge tortoise that was sitting in the water, and attacked it.

The gator flipped it over so it was helpless and then started biting it.  But then my husband (who often represents Jesus) jumped in the water to rescue the tortoise. He grabbed it by it’s fin and flipped it back over the right way and then the tortoise made it’s escape and got out of the water.

I think this means that our prayers are working and that God is intervening to save the world and put a stop to this evil. Let’s keep praying. xo

Shared by Sisterbear N Christ in video comments


He Will Cover You With His Feathers



Rainbow, you are so beautiful! Keep relying on Jesus Christ for your strength.

I recently had a vision. I was with a toddler who was locked in a dark room by his parents and given very little (almost nothing) to eat. He sat on the floor completely downtrodden. Then, one of God’s angels of light swooped in to comfort him. The angel crouched down and enveloped the child with his or her wings.

I immediately thought of Psalm 91, “He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”

Shared by “Blessed Are You” in video comments

Ruins & Restoration

Folks, the Still Small Voice Channel was taken down by or Youtube..  as well as a slew of other channels.. like the Alex Jones channel, etc.  for allegedly violating Youtube’s community guidelines.,. yet to our knowledge, no copyright rule has been broken, hate speech, or any other rule violation has taken place.    Clare, Ezekiel, Carol, Mike, and the Still Small Voice Team are doing what they can right now for this matter, and in communication with each other ..    and we will keep you updated.

In the meantime, The Lord has been giving many of us encouraging Rhemas in regards to this sudden upheaval.

Pam McCaskie and cricri much both received this Rhema after pleading with the Lord regarding the channel take-down:

Take Courage

James Cherry also received these scripture verses from the Lord before he found out :

Just came out of prayer and saw this. I am in tears.

But also excited, strangely.
the Lord is Faithful and True, and He has the key of David.

One of my readings this morning was Isaiah 22:22, which dovetails right into Revelation 3:7-8:
“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write:
‘These things says He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He who opens, and no one shuts, and shuts, and no one opens.
I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have had a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My Name.”
My next reading was Luke 10:16:
“He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”
So I am gonna pray for Youtube’s administrators to have a change of heart, for their sake, lest we shake the dust from our feet, and go to another place, which the Lord will no doubt have for us.

Carol Jennings also received this from the Lord while she was reading Jamie Cherry’s email of  what the Lord gave him from scripture:
I’m just finishing my journalling time – with my music on:0)
This is the song that He played for me, just as I was reading Jamie’s email:
“The Conductor” Lyrics [edit]
by John Michael Talbot | from the album The Master Musician

The conductor stands before the orchestra
Poised with baton in hand
And the notes lie silent on the pages of the score
Waiting to be played by the band

And the spirit of the symphony’s composer
Waits in notes upon the pages
And the knowledge and the skill of the conductor
Unlocks right interpretation

The conductor knows the whole orchestra
As each player knows the instrument he plays
And with wisdom calling forth performances
That surpass the finest of former days

And he knows when to fiercely command
Like a captain with his soldiers
And he knows when to be gentle as a lamb
Like a lover with his beloved

And Jesus is the conductor
And the church is an orchestra of God
And the liturgy we pray becomes a symphony
And the sacraments unlock the mystery of God
And the Spirit of the symphony’s composer
Waits in notes upon the pages
And the knowledge and the skill of the conductor
Unlocks right interpretation

He is Conducting a New Song! I feel it inside, too… Thank You, our Kind and Precious Savior:0)

Nana S. Osei received this Rhema:

I got this rhema and I believe it applies to us as well! He is the master sculptor and what he is doing in this ministry and with us is perfect!

The Sculptor

God’s Work In Progress received this Rhema during her devotions the day the channel was taken down.. without having a clue what was happening until the following day:

Wow, I just now was about to go onto the channel when I saw this email 🤐   I hope this will encourage you.. but yesterday morning, In my devotions, I had this epiphany from the Lord how in the end, we cant get attached to anything, as we will lose everything in this life except for the spiritual things He gave us from them.    And I received this Rhema (not knowing what they had done to our channel) :
    “…..when it topples down, I take the debris and build a new temple more beautiful than the last because you have humbled yourself.  Think of this;  it will help you to take pleasure in humiliations..” (Jesus’s words recorded in “He and I”)


A Message From Jesus: His Weary Bride

(I am sending this to you and Carol.. you know when you feel that He has something to ‘say’ and you get out the old trusty pen and pad …
So here it is dear..from this noon at 1:23pm. Love and prayers.. 💞 )
Message from our Lord, shared by His daughter, Patricia Owens :

JESUS: ” I know My bride is weary – I hear the sighs and cries.  Believe I never leave you. You, whose hearts are true.  Know I see time in one glance.  I know all that is now, and to come.  Have boundless trust, beloveds.
 Know I am in control and have your hearts.
 For a Time such as this, you were born. You are … and you are waiting, with such trust, surrendering your will, and love for Me.
I see all!  Nothing Escapes Me. Nothing!
I feel every tear, hear every sigh, know every word, know your every thought, and My eyes are never off you.
I watch your every move, since I love you!  I keep you in My Heart;  have trust I have this day, no matter what happens, no matter what- My true beloveds waiting for Me, sighing for Me, longing for Me.
And how I long for you, dearly beloved!”
Your Jesus. – Yeshua Hamashiach

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

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I have something that will like to share with the Lord’s permission.  This is for the Glory of our beloved Jesus.  Amen!

One of my paintings that I did recently was about a lion, not a fearful lion, but a very gentle, loving, tender face lion.
The thing is that my friend in PR that introduced me to SSV love lions and she fell in love with the paint.  She told me if I was going to sell it to please let her buy it.  Conversation stayed there
I went then to the basement, where I paint and the lion was lit!  He was resting in the sofa where there is one of the windows where I paint.
I send it to her in a text so she could see this effect of the light in the face of the lion.
She opened the text and went to enlarged it, the lion ROAR to her!  She inmediately texted me back to see if I put that in the text as a joke, Nope, I didn’t.  So we left it there.
Next morning she calls, she had to go and pick her son because he was drunk and the friends call, he lost his job, is 25 and got drunk.
During her morning cleaning the Lord told her, “I was with your son last night like a roaring lion, the Lion of the Tribe of Juda!”
Why the Lord told her that?  The boy went walking in San Juan, got lost, his friends were not the ones that call mom, but some strangers he saw in the street, well the stranger saw him first and approach him, because he was about to enter the worse place in San Juan were drug lords live and they kill just for because.
The Lord also told her, It was ME, who used the painting to ROAR at you to give you a sign for what was going to happen, I was like the Lion of Juda walking and protecting your son and avoiding him more trouble,
This is so the Lord.
  It has given me a real sense of purpose as I paint with the Lord.  The thing is I wanted to paint the Lion since Sept. and the Lord kept signaling other things and I was sad in that sense.  Until He gave me the ok and told me I want it BIG!
Sweet Family whatever the Lord is asking of you in your creative side, don’t hesitate and start, He is waiting to use that to help someone else, to give them a sign of His wonders and powers.  It doesn’t matter whether you know how to do it or not.  Just TRUST in Him, He will guide you and annoint you to do His gift for you in this season.
Please, let’s start for His Glory, is all for HIM.  He is the one that deserves all the glory since the moment we open our eyes until the moment we close them at night, and even then our heart and spirit keeps praising Him non stop.
Is like that first time you feel in love.  You want just to be attached to Him, and that is what has being happening with me.  My love for the Lord and my trust in Him has grown so much, family it has being Him alone with me in the basement, my dungeon is how I call my spot in the basement were I spend the most hours with the Lord in the day.  Cold, wet and damp, but with Him we can do it all.
Are you ready to start?  I’m cheering you up all the way.  The Lord divides the time in the day that there is time for cooking, some cleaning, much prayer and intercession.  Those moments in the dungeon is when the praises are powerful and I feel His presence constantly, specially when is time to start a new painting.
Sorry I took so much time of your precious time with the Lord or family.  Please forgive me for that.  I just wanted you to know how important is for us to work on our gifts as well in our prayers and intercession.  He makes time, I promise you that.
Love you always with great love that the Lord has put in that heart He gave me when He made me.
May the Lord bless you, keep you and shine His glory over you for the world to see the great and powerful Spirit of the Lord in you.  May the Lord help you and give you the grace necessary for you to become nothing and He become everything in your lives.
 Shared by Vianni

True Life Begins With Jesus



On October 7, 2018  I was thinking about all of my loved ones who have recently passed away and whom I know are with Jesus in Heaven..   One friend was especially before me.., Mary Grace Henry., a Heart Dweller with us on the Still Small Voice channel,  who had cancer and was going through rehabilitation.. but the time had come for Jesus to bring her to her true Home with Him in Heaven.

In prayer, I asked the Holy Spirit to please say “Hi” for me to Mary Grace.. to send her a hug for me.    While resting there in the Lord, thinking of Mary Grace and my other loved ones in Heaven, I heard deep within me the words, True life begins with Him (Him, meaning Jesus) .         It felt as though this message was being relayed to me from the Holy Spirit on behalf of Mary Grace or my other friends I was thinking of in Heaven..  who are all in communion with the Holy Spirit.

Before getting up in bed, I asked the Lord if He could confirm  to me these words I heard, “True Life begins with Him”, and after asking Him, I blindly opened up to His recorded words in the published journal, “He and I”,   and my eyes fell on the following:

“Rise from the dead.  Rise with Me to a new life-  a better one.  To a new life nearer to Me.  Always nearer to Me.  Beg Me to help you and be sure that I shall.”

“…..No Matter What”


I want to share something with you guys that will be of some encouragement. I am awestrucked and speechless physically because of the revelation I had received from Jesus or the Father.  I was in prayer and normally doing what I do in prayer.

While in worship I felt a strong sense, a presence that Jesus (actually so strong I seen a quick flash physically in my brain of His face) and it um, I was nervous… but at the same time drawn to this and comforted by this.  I felt him inches from my face and I knew it was him.  I couldn’t focus because I was so struck by this but I continued worshipping Him quietly.  Then I felt him move next to me and put His arms around my shoulders like a big brother or father would to his little brother or child. Then I rocked left to right knowing that he was right there and the image of him doing it.

THEN! Guys, I heard clearly and plainly in my mind “You are still my son. And I will always love you, no matter what.” That struck me. That really struck me. Like, all of what I done against GOD, how on earth could he still love me. Dumbfounded by this personally.

I continued to worship and I am so taken up by those words and the presence of Love and comfort was in there. After this, I checked the bible promise and gotten “Children”. Isaiah 54:13. This is a comfirmation to me that was him because I don’t have any children and yes, I am his son and he is teaching me. But what’s best is, I KNEW by Faith that was him. That was him and I knew it. Never have I before wanted to go back into prayer like I do now to have a love encounter with him again.

Shared by Son of Jesus in video comments

Jesus, You Are My Light


A couple years ago I was taking a walk to pick up my son and it was dark, the sun had gone down. I asked Yeshua to please let me know if he was walking with me, all of a sudden little sparkles like tiny fireworks went off in front of me and then I looked down and it was as if someone was walking next to me swinging their arm with a flashlight. Oh what a blessing of an evening it was, one I will NEVER forget! Thank you my Lord for showing you walk with us! I have had many other miracles happen, which I don’t deserve but so grateful!

Shared by Camille Edwards in video comments



God’s Uncreated Light



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Back in 2015 I was going to do a mural at the Rainier hotel in the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, the neighborhood with the highest HIV rate in all of North America. I was taking photos of a tree downtown because I had lost all my photos from Stanley Park by accidentally deleting them and as I was taking photos of the tree (so I could look at it while I painted) I was praying to God that I hoped I was doing the right thing (since the neighborhood is very “dark” in energy and bad things happened to me there) and also praying for help paying for the paints (since I was doing it out of my own pocket and am on disability).

When I looked at the photos later this is what was on them… also Clare and Ezekiel helped pay for paint and supplies (without me asking) when I showed them the photos! Each one of the photos was maybe 15 seconds or less apart but you can see a progression of the light coming out of the sky. I don’t remember seeing the light in real life, but I am sensitive to light and it was already a bright day so my eyes might have been squinting a little.

Love Lex

Shared by Lex