
Walking In Him: His Kingdom


This morning, as I lay in bed in the quiet , I heard the Lord speak to me.. in His still small voice that you can almost not even pay attention to if you’re not listening…    Sometimes when He speaks to us, He chooses to speak in a way where He uses our own thoughts , but they are not our words..   as though to impress upon us that when we are united in Him,   our very thoughts reflect HIS words and express what He wants within us.   We are His vessels, He is our Voice- if we but allow Him to express HIS voice through us.

He spoke of the definition of those who walk in His Kingdom.. His Body,. His Invisible Church called out from the majority, who seek to serve Him alone.   His genuine disciples (is what I’m hearing Him tell me this minute) .    His words were:  “I will do anything for You, My King” (not lip service, but they mean it);  “That She is living in Me;  that She is living in My sweet humility.”  Then I heard a pause, and then one word:  KINGDOM”.

He was giving me the definition of those walking in His Kingdom… what it means to be a part of His Kingdom, on Earth as in Heaven.  When the Lord says “Woman” or “She” , He is referring to His Body… His Invisible Church called out from the World, including the religious Christian World.

I asked the Lord if He would allow me to open up to anything of His recorded words in “He and I’, regarding this, and I blindly opened up to the following:

“Why be anxious of the opinion of others;  isnt’ Mine enough?  If you are with Me, let them talk.  Take your place on My shoulder and forget everything.  You’re walking in My footsteps.  You’re seeking to please Me, aren’t you?  You may judge yourself on this desire to please Me at all times.  And you can be sure that this does not come from you but from the Spirit Who is in you- in your inner temple when you are in grace.  Then could you find cause for anything else but humility?…”

And when I shared this entire incident this morning of hearing our Lord speak those words with my mother.,  she interrupted me and told me that the Holy Spirit just gave her the following:  “Stay close to  the thought of “what would Jesus do in all things”.

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Try Try Again


This was a VERY helpful message. The other day in my morning prayers when I was feeling beaten down both by my own sins and the general overwhelming feeling of a busy day to come; I heard this:
“If at first you don’t succeed,
Try, try again!
‘‘Tis a lesson you should heed:
Try, try again.
Then your courage will appear
If you should just persevere-
You will conquer.
Never fear!
Try, try again.
Shared by Elizabeth Ballew in video comments.

The Silent Suffering of Our God


“He (God) does hurt greatly.   I found out some years ago after laughing at a reenactment on a TV documentary of David and Goliath.. where David killed Goliath with a stone/slingshot.  The actor who portrayed Goliath looked silly as he fell to the ground, and I jeered and laughed at him..  When suddenly the Holy Spirit convicted me and I heard Him speak to me (without words)   He said, “you find this funny .. the death of this man and enemy of Israel?   I find it NOT funny.. I wanted that he would have opened his heart to me.. his Creator., as well as his people, but he continued to harden his heart., to the point that I had no choice but to end his life .. or he would have proceeded to end the life of my people, Isreal .   It did not please me to end his life”.

Wow, was I ever convicted after hearing that and I never thought the same again of the Lord’s enemies..   We (even we Christians) truly don’t think the way our God thinks.

shared by “God’s work in Progress” in video comments

Let Me Take You To My Father

Jesus- King in Exile

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I put the picture (above) on in full stance – and was contemplating..”what” could He be thinking?  And then this…what is in my heart…as if He was (and is) speaking as I look at this picture…to His Father in Heaven, while being on earth? Or even now.  Here goes:

Jesus to His Father:   “What more can I do Father? I have given My very life’s Blood for them to pay the price of their Redemption…
Why can’t souls see how much I love them!  What more could I do, yet I would die again for each one if that is what it would take to save them! How can they ever understand such love….A love they too, must immolate and imitate to be My followers.  Ready to give their very life for their brothers.  To love as I have loved –  and do love still.

How I still pray…

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“I Am In Charge”♥

Dear ones +

It is amazing how when you are not expecting anything, there Is God…that is what happened when I was looking through the selections of videos I have from You Tube – and I just had tears as I felt The Father so close..and I felt His love so sweet..and that is for us all.  It is not often this happens +

I have not had a father or mother since I am 10 – and only saw my father twice in my life after my mom passed away when I was 10… at the age of 13 I lived with him, my sister and his second wife (one of 4) for 6 months only and then lived with my mother’s sister till 20 when I was married.  And my father again when I was 28 and went to Tx. for my grandmothers passing.
So I am not, well….too much up on what ‘is a daughter,” and God understands that, but now and then He homes in on me to let me know…I AM a daughter, and He is a very loving trustworthy father I can love and be at peace in that relationship.  I feel others too, have a problem with a father image.  I know I do.  There was so much dysfunction in my life up to 10 and even after that in that relationship….
But all of us in some way know growing up is not easy – Faith in Jesus makes us get through, at least for me I know.   He reminds me in my very worst times, crying and feeling I “just can’t go on”.  I never ceased to believe in Him…I did not turn my back..He did not let go of His embrace (for us all) of me and I never walked away….thatttt is what got me through all the sorrows and trials of my life.  And we can in some way all relate.  So I just wanted to share this.   When I had tears He just said one thing to me…so clear in His Voice in my heart… and this is for all.    “Pat, I am in charge.”
So that gave me peace, that no matter what happens…He is in charge, He knows, and He has this and He has us…ones so faithful to His love and will…(at least He sees we try…even with imperfections.)
Shared by Patricia Owens

I Need Thee Every Hour..



“I had read how one was given the advice to check in with the Lord Jesus each hour and ask His advice on ‘how’ they were doing – so I asked Him this am at 11:09 – and the following went through me..:

To Jesus:  “My Love, I want You to be pleased with me each hour – but I know how faulty I am -“
Jesus:  “Yes, beloved – ask Me each hour if you are giving Me joy – simply without anxiety – you are willing to listen to Me – I see this – you want to do what is right to please Me – if this is your attitude then is this not what I see?  You are always with Me;  that is your desire.   I see this  so be at peace and be cheerful in serving Me.  Please Me, be kind, and know I never leave you.  (for us all!)
Patricia… would or could we apart from each other, after all we’ve shared?  How beloved?   I love you!
To Jesus:  Oh Beloved Jesus – “The pain today – it seems to get worse lately (my back and knees) But I have offered all to You in my morning offering { Oh Jesus, I unite all my actions to Your Heartbeats to do the will of the Father in Heaven on earth, especially for conversions– (This is what I say each day to Him.)}
Jesus:  “Again ,beloved , have you given Me the day? Have you purposefully left Me or not wanted to do My will-  just ask yourself.  Remember what I said in He and i ?  “If I can put up with you, can you put up with you?  Be of good heart – I see your efforts even in your discomforts and I collect all.   Nothing escapes Me. Keep going, I am with you always.  I love you.”    {for all!}
Shared by Patricia Owens

“Rise Above- Love!”

I drifted back to sleep (this was around 5:00 am)   and waking back up again, I heard our Lord again say to me, “Have Your way with Me, this Day”    and I knew this is what He wanted me to pray.. that He would have His way with Me, and when He said, “this Day”, He meant not only “day” as in this day (Sunday) but also the “day” of my life that He has allotted me.

Jesus- King in Exile


Early this morning before awaking, I heard our Lord speak deep within my heart.    I know it was Him because even though He was using my own thoughts, the words spoken were being spoken TO me, and not my own mind thinking them up.

He even caught me off guard, as I usually don’t hear Him speak more than one or two words on certain occasions. My mind is always so active that I often hear only my own thoughts, and am not internally quiet enough to hear Him alone.

Well this morning, He spoke the following message to me:   “Rise above these earthly matters and concerns.  Rise above–  Love!”    

I laid there thinking on what I heard Him say, and then wondered if He was referring to all the many worries and concerns I have over things to happen in my future..  financial concerns I have.,  health concerns…

View original post 410 more words

“I’m Here”



I just wanted to share how our Lord truly condescends and bends over backwards even for those who mock and despise Him in this present day and age.    On my Youtube channel, I have a video titled, ‘How I know God Answer’s Prayer” where I shared about how after I had asked God to provide me a particular out of print book of that exact title,  seven days later, He arranged for someone to give it to me without my having let anyone know I was searching for it.       I have a video on this experience and for some reason it always seems to attract a lot of the agnostic and atheist folks that love to spam Christian videos encouraging people to have more faith in God.   I even have 5 dislikes on this video so far, also.

Well this afternoon about three atheist or agnostic folks posted sarcastic comments on that video,   and normally I just ignore them, but this time I felt the Lord wanted me to ask Him to provide a reply for them.       I prayed then blindly opened to His recorded words in the journal, “He and I”, and  got goosebumps as my eyes fell right on the exact reply He wanted me to give these people challenging His existence and labeling all Christians as “idiots”.

   “Prove your God exists or sit down like the clown you are.”  this person posted.  In reply God gave me His words from the August 3, 1949 entry.. just a two word reply that got right to the point:      “I’m here.”   (  Gabrielle Bossis added in italics: “in a tone of gentle reproach”)   

That’s all our Lord needed to reply.. just two words-  “I’m here”.     Even that answer was not enough to get through to the particular person the Lord had me reply to., but I am praying for him that one day he will be willing to open his heart and will no longer reject God’ grace to receive faith…   as faith is actually a gift from God and not something we can manufacture through human reasoning.

It just goes to show us , though, how God speaks to all of us, no matter how undeserving we are,  but not all of us always tune in to actually listen to Him.     Our Lord reminded me that I was the same way as well, and so there is hope for the least of us.     “He is here” and you can take His word on that!


Angel Hermon

Most of the years that I taught music in public school, I created an imaginary couple….. an aunt & uncle.  I would draw stick figures on the board or a funny looking man & woman and I  would use them to tell stories, or write music or use them to give a moral lesson, or correction or something funny…etc.  It would take the onus off me and the kids received it better if these two ‘Familiar Funny’ characters were involved
For example, one time someone in the Music classroom did something and I said to the children….OK who is responsible for this?   The kids were all hush-hush.  Then one little smartie pants rose up and said.  Aunt Minnie & Uncle Herman.  That broke the ice and everyone had a good laugh, including me.  
So for most of the time that I taught music at Bonnie Brae Elementary School and other schools,  I had used Aunt Minnie & Uncle Herman as teaching tools and the kids loved it.
FAST FORWARD:  now I am in retirement.  I had started listening to STILL SMALL VOICE/HEARTDWELLERS and there was something about an angel.  I had watched  Terry Bennett & he  had said on a vid that his angel’s name was ‘FURY.’  ….cuz Terry is a real prayer warrior & needs a big angel. 
So I prayed, Lord, I want to know the name of my angel.  And the answer came back so fast I thought….NAH!  That can’t be You, Lord  that must be me.  FOR: The answer that I heard was ”Herman.” 
 I said, oh Lord,  You know……. that was the name of that funny character I used in Music classes….Uncle Herman.  The Lord said, clearly….oh yeah???  LOOK IT UP!  just, like that!!
Sure enough when I looked in the Bible Dictionary, etc. there is was…. I had just spelled it wrong.  It is spelled in the Hebrew transliteration  HermOn as in Mount HermOn  [ Mt. Senir for the Syrians ] etc. but we go by the Hebrew….HermOn. 
I laughed and laughed about that . All those years, even before I was born again I was using that character Uncle Herman not knowing that someday when I met the Lord I would know that my OWN ANGEL is and always had been….   ”HERMON”……  and a good angel he is, indeed.  
And he’s NOT my UNCLE Herman….   He’s my ANGEL, HermOn.
  So I said I would always honor him and tell the Lord what a good angel he has been cuz we will be judging angels.
That’s my story and I’m sticking with it…LOL
Thanks for listening, 
love you 
mg   :-*& HermOn  O:-)
Shared by Mary Grace…. And Hermon!

“Keep All Simple and Sincere With Me”

Dialogue Between Jesus and Patricia Owens:
Subject: Message to me + July 18th – 2016 10:58AM  { Patricia Owens }

(Patricia) I was thinking of what was told to another soul from one who was giving her messages from our Jesus – Sr. MDeLC – no names were given just initials and the words He gave to her from another, called, Sr. MG in the 1800’s + And one thing Jesus suggested to her was, every hour see how you have gotten along – ask the Lord if He be pleased with you.  So from when I arose this a.m. to now (about 11 am) I asked Him this question, as she was suggested to do and this is what ensued.  I am just writing what was said between the two of us… (interesting).  Maybe others can glean what they can from this, as I feel it is good to share, uplift, encourage and inform others in His Love:
So I ask Jesus..”How, I am?”….  And here is what transpired with us [I never did this before +..sigh..] :
He answered: ” Have you prayed? (up to the time I wrote this) Have you been kind to those around you?  Did you offer Me your day  {one of the prayers I say to Him each a.m. is: (from “the Way of Divine Love”…Sr. Josefa was told to pray this.)   :  “I enter deeply into Your Heart (after You  purify me in Your Most Precious Blood, my Love) and I unite my actions to Your Heartbeats to do the Father’s Will on earth as it is in Heaven.”
He continued:  “Have you thought of Me and talked to Me?”
{ Patricia }  “Yes, my Love – I have – consulted and prayed and talked to You, wanting to connect always, even with my faults and miseries – to console You most of all, not to forget You in anything, to remember You and souls.”
{ Jesus } “Then am I pleased;  Why would I not be?  Keep all simple and sincere with Me.  Keep company with Me, more and more.  Are you bringing Me forth with the work you do on the computer each day?  If yes, then you are making efforts to keep us together “- (and this is for allIt is really everyone doing what they are inspired to do for Him and that can be of course, different for each soul) “…. Again, sincere, simplicity with Me.  No fretting or worrying.  Refer all to Me this day I have given you, beloved.  Be at peace, no stress – pray from the heart and trust in a simple love for Me and others – You have all My Love.”
“Keep focus on your thoughts.  They take up most of your life.   Keep them in the Christ Consciousness – “
So that is what was exchanged and I just wanted to share this with you.  God bless with love and prayers dear ones.