
Spiritual Aunts & Uncles For The Abused Children

Beloved friends,

Jesus has urged me to share with you the joy I’m finding in lovingly encouraging trafficked children. I hesitated a while before committing myself to this, and wrote to Mother Clare about 18 months ago. This was her reply:

Your heart is for the children, just ask the Lord, “Send them to me Lord, I will comfort them.”  That’s all it takes and you may start to see them.  I saw them today.  Be very still, quiet and calm and listen, look, expecting to see or hear something.  Do not write it off to imagination when you see something, take it as the real deal.”

Mother Clare

Before sharing my testimony, I’m including excerpts from Mother Clare’s messages:

“My dear ones, you cannot imagine the plight these children are in. Their minds are so warped and twisted by fear, they cannot reason enough to escape their situation. They have the threat of being killed held over their heads. In some cases, even their families are being threatened if they do not comply. It is a wicked, evil system Satan has given these men to control vulnerable souls, making them victims of the most deplorable exploitation ever known to mankind…

“Then the Lord began to speak to me, “I want you to spiritually adopt trafficked children,” He began. “You are well aware of the horrible kidnapping, selling, and trafficking of poor innocent children throughout the world in many places. Not only are they taken from their parents and siblings, which in itself is terrorizing enough. But after being sold, they are beaten severely to make them submit, from the very first moment, to the unspeakable sexual abuse and painful violation of their tender little bodies.

“Some of you, yourselves, were subjected to terrible abuse and neglect when you were young, as well–and you know how devastating it was to you, even up into your adult years.

“I appeal to you now. Please work with Me to rescue, comfort, and heal these precious children and young adults who are daily victims of unbelievable terror and extreme pain; crying, begging, and pleading day and night for someone to PLEASE help them.

“They are constantly in a state of tremendous fear, as some are kept in chicken-wire cages, others in basements, cold, malnourished, and dehydrated. The only time they see the light of day is when they are dragged out, roughly washed, put in nice dresses with no under covering, and driven to clandestine motel rooms, where one or more drunken “customers” are just waiting to use and abuse them repeatedly. To hear the full messages click the links:

#. Spiritually Adopt a Trafficked Child. (Dec 16, 2017)
#. Difficult Days: Persevere. (Jan 22, 2018)
This is how I began: It was a huge leap of faith for me. One day I took a deep breath and said, “Hello children, this is Auntie Pam!” To my delight, a little voice answered!
At first I talked to the children very simply about Jesus and how much He loves them. And I prayed with them, assuring them that many other people are also praying for them. I said I would talk to them again the next day. A day or so later the children said, “We’ve told Jesus about you!” It was such a natural thing for little ones to say, and I think it was from that point that I was no longer tempted to doubt whether it was really happening.
What a joy it is to minister like this!
Time with my little group early every morning now lasts half an hour or more. Jesus has been giving me some great ideas. He prompted me to encourage them to pray Psalm 91 every day. I asked if they had anything to write on; to my surprise they had. I dictated the whole Psalm verse at a time over the next couple of weeks, encouraging them to try to learn what they could. Chatting to Jesus about the children, I told Him I wondered if I was expecting too much of them. Jesus replied, “They are going to surprise you, Pam!” And they did—big time! How excited they were to show me that they had learned the whole Psalm —they were bursting with a sense of achievement!
Then Jesus wanted me to branch out and teach the Beatitudes and His parables to them. Today it was the 23rd parable that I read to them. Jesus joins me, encouraging them Himself. He has a personal Word for the children most days. I imitate Mother Clare, saying (before I go on air) “Do You have a word for Our precious children today, Lord?” I scribble it down before joining them. They are so thrilled that Jesus has given a word just for them that they often want me to dictate His every word.
I asked my tiny group if they know any children who don’t yet belong to Jesus. They did, and knew straightaway what they should do. They were soon introducing a newly saved friend to me.  Jesus calls them His “little missionaries.”
Before long Jesus led me to teach about Holy Spirit. The children struggled to get free in tongues at first.  Remembering how I had eventually only broken free myself after a monumental struggle, I told them I would say something in tongues, and I asked them to join in, explaining that Holy Spirit wouldn’t let them make a mistake, but He couldn’t give them their own prayer language until they opened their mouth! It worked beautifully!
The next development was that they were not only winning a soul occasionally but  also praying for their new Christian friend to be baptised in Holy Spirit. At first they called me in to get their newly saved friend free in tongues. Then they realised they didn’t need my help! I was so thrilled!
Another joyous time was when the children learned what Holy Spirit does when they sing in tongues together! The way He blends their individual melodies into one glorious harmony was a surprise to them. These children are such a joy to teach. They are like little sponges, soaking up everything.
The children have been taken to visit Heaven. They were so excited to tell me all about it. Jesus told me a little later to ask them to begin thinking about how they would like their homes in Heaven to be… would they like a pet? What colours would they like in their homes? What kind of furniture? Would they, like Auntie Pam, love to have a little stream running through their garden?
One day Jesus told me He had visited Our tiny group in Person while I was talking to them. They actually saw Him among them. Wow!
A delightful development 
It was a wonderfully uplifting addition to our precious times together when Jesus gave me the idea of teaching praise and worship songs, playing them for the children on my phone. First a couple of songs by Don Francisco, then several by John Michael Talbot. I threw out a challenge one day from Don Francisco’s song “I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart.” When they had mastered the words, I challenged them to find out how many times Don Francisco sings “Hosanna!” The next day they told me it was thirty times: they were spot on! They particularly enjoy dancing to that song. Jesus told me that in Heaven they love to sing along with the children, and the Angels dance!
The old favourite ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus’ is understandably very meaningful to my little group. I taught them on Forgiveness fairly near the beginning, making sure they had fully forgiven the wrong things being done to them.
My group currently consists of eight children. I don’t ask them personal questions so I’ve no idea where they are living. They asked me how old I am. They seemed surprised. I don’t have any problem getting down to their level… when God calls us to do something for Him, He will always equip us.
Growing in the Lord
I always ask what the children would like me to pray for with them. They have asked for help in learning Bible verses, and meeting another child to lead to Jesus. One day they said one of them had hurt her foot and could hardly walk. I asked them to lay hands on her poorly foot and pray in tongues and I would be praying in tongues too. To their great joy Jesus healed the foot there and then.
One day as I was asking what I could pray about for them, they asked, “May we pray for you, Auntie Pam?” I felt like crying, bearing in mind what horrific suffering these brave little souls face day after day, after day.
It is a humbling, indescribable privilege to learn from these beautiful little ones.  I had no preparation for this, apart from Mother Clare’s encouragement to “take it as the real deal.”  I did that…  and it was!
Could Jesus be calling you to be an Uncle or an Auntie?
God bless you.
Pam ❤


A Dream of Religious Jealousy in the Churches


I just woke up to an eye opening dream.

I saw many of these preachers at first had good connections to their people. I saw Jesus there in spirit watching and guiding the whole time. These preachers had gained the confidence of these people with their friendly demeanor. It all changed when they offered to prophesy for people.

I seen Jesus whisper the callings of each person’s life but the preachers and prophets were drunk on power and jealousy set in because some of the callings on people were very high. Therefore, the words that came out of the mouths were a completely different story with the intention to either water down or mislead.

I seen that even after the words were spoken, some prophets kept tabs on those people they lied to in order to make sure they didn’t fulfill the real plan of God on their lives. The spirit of religion fell heavily not only on those preachers and pastors but the elders that follow them too.

Dream shared by Deanna Sander in video comments-

(Still Small Voice’s messages can now be found on Vimeo until they complete their own channel platform with our Lord’s help 🙂 )

The Silent Suffering of Our God


“He (God) does hurt greatly.   I found out some years ago after laughing at a reenactment on a TV documentary of David and Goliath.. where David killed Goliath with a stone/slingshot.  The actor who portrayed Goliath looked silly as he fell to the ground, and I jeered and laughed at him..  When suddenly the Holy Spirit convicted me and I heard Him speak to me (without words)   He said, “you find this funny .. the death of this man and enemy of Israel?   I find it NOT funny.. I wanted that he would have opened his heart to me.. his Creator., as well as his people, but he continued to harden his heart., to the point that I had no choice but to end his life .. or he would have proceeded to end the life of my people, Isreal .   It did not please me to end his life”.

Wow, was I ever convicted after hearing that and I never thought the same again of the Lord’s enemies..   We (even we Christians) truly don’t think the way our God thinks.

shared by “God’s work in Progress” in video comments

A Prayer Offering for Others


“My beloved Clare, today I put at His feet a very painful experience. I took the pain as a sacrifice for the favour of touching a soul with love instead of wrath. At home i asked Yahshua how to take this, if it was received. He answered :”Eternal life in in Me and I am in you”. It was such a sweet and strong confirmation! Such a pain and such a blessing cuts deeper and deeper through the worldly ties. Your words are confirmed. But get strong my beloved. The day is closer to us as the day when we firstly believed.”

Shared by strongwind_df in video comments


“..That is Why You Are Here”


Wow. When we were at the fruit stand we saw several people there not from this country. My first impulse was oh my Lord look at all these people taking over our land!! I felt angry as many of us are struggling with all that is going on with the dissolving of the borders. Then while standing there I prayed and said, “Lord, please speak to me according to my feelings as I know they’re not of You.” The Lord answered me and showed me a vision right there at the fruit stand!

He showed me a quick glance of my past horrific sinful life and how He brought me through my self-created mess and blessed me with the life I have now because I turned to Him and repented. He said “Most of these people don’t even know who I AM that is why you’re here!”  I thought WOW! I thanked the Lord and made an effort to smile at everyone. As I was picking out the corn a lady picking her corn across from me said in her broken language, “Oh too such no very much enough rain.” I looked up at her and smiled and her amazing eyes and very pale face spoke to me in my spirit saying please love me and understand me.” I had to choke back my tears. I said, ” We will be taken care of by the Lord. He will give us rain.” She said, “Oh I pray! I pray! Yes the Lord to I pray!” Her face and eyes spoke a million words to me from the Lord. When we went our separate ways I watched her as she continued her shopping,( as we were finished) and there was a profound difference in her interaction with others still shopping. She was more outgoing, outspoken, relaxed, relieved and she smiled like a lit up Christmas tree.

I thanked my Precious Jesus for this beautiful teaching from Him and the joy from it. Just wanted to share. Oh Lord Jesus, how loving and merciful You are! I love You and I trust in You!

~ Shared by Pamela Viergutz

A Visit from Heaven


The night my brother passed away I was in prison asleep in Florida… I saw him in such a bright white light that was coming off him’ I couldn’t but make out his eyes and face’ and just a bright light…! He had the smile I remember him having as a child of five’ like the happiest look I have ever seen…. It was hard to understand what was going on at first.. When he talked to me it was muffled ‘ like trying to talk underwater… I remember feeling what he was saying than what I could hear… I woke up saying’ “No’ No….! I used the restroom and checked the clock on the wall… It was three in the morning… The next day I called home’ only to hear my dad say’ ” brace yourself son’ you’re brother died last night”  … I was so grieved I thought I was going to snap… People kept their distance but for one black friend’ who talked to me when I needed someone to talk to… We never talked about the time of death till our visit a few months later.. When I told my mother the time I had the dream’ she just looked blank for a minute… Then said that’s when the doctor said he passed… I don’t just believe anymore’ I know….!!! P.S. It don’t mean you’re not going to have many struggles to face in the world’ but is very comforting to know’ He is……….. Jesus Christ is King God Almighty!!! I wish everyone could know through my eyes what I saw… My brother wasn’t living perfect’ but he believed’ and now lives again…. How we as mortals condemn ourselves too much and listen to the lies of the enemy….. Don’t condemn yourself if you’re not living perfect lives.. There was’ and is only One perfect…. And He must come back soon’ because man has become so lost to any of his knowledge and wisdom… Is a shame even how all churches have fallen to worldly ways…! Not to say that some don’t try’ but I can see… I can see how weak man has become to this system we’ve been conformed into’ and how it must be fixed…. I can only pray they stay’ and become simple again..! It’s mans own wisdom that’s got himself in this mess again’ & again’ & again…. As history carries the torch of repeating itself…!

~Shared by Gary Michael Beck

Be His Channels


On August 9, 2015, the Lord gave me a Rhema reply to a question I had for Him that morning regarding giving and charity..     I just now found it in my journal..  it applies to this message about being one of His channels:
After asking Him “Lord, I was wondering if it is wise to be on the side of caution in giving to others.”     Right after asking Him this, I blindly opened to a copy of His actual words recorded in the devotional, “God at Eventide” and my eyes fell on the following:
“Come My Children, come and gladly claim.  Come and take from Me.  Come with outstretched hands to receive and keep nothing.   Eagerly pass on My gifts so that I may again bless your emptiness and refill your vessels.   
    You begin to understand this Law of Supply.  man does not realize that for the children of the Kingdom, the law is not that which rules outside.   My followers must be channels through which My gifts can pass on to others.   You cannot obtain My supply and follow the way of the World.”

Loving Your Neighbor

Hi my sweet sister Clare, you make me chuckle with Joy every time I hear the most endearing conversations you have with the Lord daily. I will continue to pray for the Lord give you even more strength to keep on going on this road.
Please send my regards and love to your soul mate Ezekiel my dear brother in Christ. Love this needed message this day. When I see how people ignore the homeless on the street because of their appearance it breaks my heart.  Their appearance does not matter to me or to the Lord. The Lord is concerned with our Hearts We need to reach out to all of God’s creation. The homeless need to be given a Word of Hope, a smile, some water, something to eat.  They too deserve respect and acceptance for they are hurting and need consolation, love and compassion.  They need something to hold on to and Jesus’ Love is the answer.  Sister Clare, I will share with you and my brothers and sisters here on your channel something poignant and amazing  that the Lord had me do a couple of weeks ago for it is exactly what your video today speaks about “To Have Uncommon Respect.”  First of all, God’s timing is amazing and He is never late and always on time. :)) Unbeknownst to me, little did I know that on that particular day as I was rushing to the Dollar Store to buy some Bibles, God had another assignment for me along the way and I was elated that He was able to use me, to share His most precious love and compassion for a hurting soul. Well, on this day, I was with my twin and she had accompanied me to the Dollar Store.  As I arrived there, the Lord immediately prompted me to see this broken down homeless man sitting on the sidewalk with His head down and he had no shoes on his feet. Before I entered the store, I scooted down to this stranger and said, Hello my friend, how are you doing, are you ok?  He was not startled at all to see this strange woman just approaching him out of the blue and my sister was standing by me.  Well, we began to talk and I told Him that Jesus sent me to see Him this day and that Jesus loved Him. Just to think about what happened that day with this man makes me start to cry again. I looked into His eyes, for I felt Jesus working through me as if Jesus was instructing me as to what to say and do.  Thank you Jesus… I asked Him why He was sitting alone on the sidewalk.  He began to cry and said that He had just been released from Jail and that he was thinking of His family. I told him, for his name was Miguel.. I said, Miguel, does your family know you are out of jail have you wanted to call them?  I am sure they want to hear from you? He began to cry again, I placed my hand upon His cheek and said “Do not worry is okay to cry, Jesus loves you so much and you are special to Him for you are His child.  I even asked Him if He wanted to use my cell phone to call right then and there and he replied and promised me he would call them that night. I told Miguel that nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.  We just have to have hope for tomorrow and do the will of God.. Miguel was a Christian for I asked him if he was and He told me that he had accepted Jesus during his stay in Jail.  He was currently living in a homeless shelter until his family picks him up. I was so happy to hear he had already accepted Jesus into his heart. I asked him if he wanted me to get him a bible and he replied yes, and he wanted me to get him some soda so i went in to get him the soda, some water and some snacks. I went and gave him this plus some money the Lord led me to give him.. There were people watching me as I was speaking to this gentleman and even a lady I knew from a business next door to the Dollar Store, she went to her business for a minute and came out with a dollar to give to Miguel.   Of course there were people looking at me  and wondering who is this lady, crouched down speaking to a homeless man?  I kept doing what the Lord instructed me to do and did not care about the stares and hoped that they could one day find some compassion for someone that was hurting who just needed someone to listen and care for them even for a moment. I prayed with Miguel and told him to please call his family that night and He told me that he would.  I told him to wait for me that I had something else for him that I needed to get at the dollar store. He nodded and said ok.. I quickly went back in the Dollar Store prompted by the Holy Spirit to get Miguel a small duffle bag and some toiletries, white socks, more snacks. etc.. When I exited the store, Miguel my sweet brother was not there anymore. He had vanished from my sight and I was oh so sad.. I had my sister drive even to a Mc Donald’s nearby to see if He was there, but he was not.  We drove around and around and did not see him anywhere.  I remember, Miguel did not even have any shoes on his feet.  I was worried and even had my sister drive to the nearby bus stop, but Miguel was not there.   Till this day, I have Miguel’s duffle bag in the trunk of my car to give to him. I pray that the Lord will bring him to me again to give him the goodies God had for him.  I continue to pray for Miguel each night and wonder how he is doing. But I find consolation knowing that one day I will meet with him in Heaven. This story that I am sharing is not in no way to glorify myself or pat myself on the back. ALL GLORY AND PRAISE GOES TO THE OUR LORD!!!!!! I just wanted to share how AMAZING GOD IS and how He can use us to help those in need that feel down trodden and broken hearted.  I was so happy the Lord used me that day and that I was able to be a blessing to someone and spread God’s Joy and Love that is everlasting to everlasting and that GOD’S LOVE for all of His creation is so POWERFUL, PURE, LOVELY AND INFINITE AND HAS NO BARRIERS. Hope this story blesses your heart this day to encourage you to look around when you are out and about in your day,  for the Lord will prompt you when you least expect it to share His mighty LOVE!!!!