Jesus- Our Sacrifice of Love



I feel that you should post this for the other Heart dwellers as it was life changing for me.  Please pray about it x ….

I was with the Lord last night and it was a very difficult meeting as I saw Him going to the Cross and then I watched Him being nailed to the beams.  I had to watch His agony it was excruciating for me and I knew what I was seeing was only a small fraction of what He was going through.  I wanted to comfort Him but there was nothing I could do only BE THERE with Him.   It was so horrible and my spirit was VERY UNCOMFORTABLE  in this visit.

About 2 weeks ago I had a similar visit where I saw Him lying on His front and His back was a bloody mess and I could see His Ribs – I cried and cried as I watched His agony.  It was so gruesome.  Satan clearly gave Him everything he could throw at Him as He allowed Himself to be our Sacrifice.  Satan knowing He would not retaliate enjoyed hurting Fathers Greatest LOVE.  Vengeful and hateful.  There was so much blood and torn muscles – it looked like a horror movie.

Last night I saw His face contorted in AGONY and heard His cries……………… the end I had to turn away from this vision as I couldn’t bear it and I asked Him to please stop showing it to me.  At the same time I knew He was telling me I NEEDED to see this.
At that point I looked back and He was now up on the cross and quieter now and He asked me to come forward.  I stood at His feet and looked up.   He then showed me without words all the things in ME He died for……I was looking up at the time of MY OWN REDEMPTION not yours or anyone else’s just MINE.  There is a divine time where each of us is stood at the foot of the Cross and watching our own redemption.  Working out our salvation in fear and trembling.

He showed me a huge list of sin PRIDE – BITTERNESS – VENGEFULNESS – HATRED – MURDER – LIES – COMPROMISE – DISHONESTY – DUPLICITY – FEAR – UNBELIEF – SELFISHNESS.   The list went on and on and I saw it in myself and I saw Him suffering for me and atoning for me.

It was a very cleansing visit and I never fully saw myself through His eyes in such a deep way before.  It is a good thing I feel for all of us to come to the foot of the Cross and see OURSELVES AND OUR SINS BEING ATONED FOR.  The Cross of Yeshua is the door into Heaven the secret place that we go through to enter into HIM.

I always thought that my sins where THINGS that I had done to offend Abba Father or things I had done to hurt His Children….but last night He showed me that it was the CONDITION OF MY HEART that He was dying for and that the things I had done were THE ISSUES OF THAT ROTTEN HEART……..merely an expression of what was deeply diseased and disordered in me because of what Satan had done at the fall.

Our Hearts have to be RIGHT before Him so that they can enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.    The sins are easy to deal with but the HEART IS THE TREASURE WE OFFER TO YESHUA  and it must be an acceptable offering to Him.

Please come before the Cross and offer up the Heart for cleansing and purification to Jesus.  Brides get ready for Your Bridegroom.  He requires clean hearts from his Eternal Brides.
Debbie Holland

7 thoughts on “Jesus- Our Sacrifice of Love

  1. Sis, what got to me about what He showed you was how satan saved all the worst attack against Jesus for last.. unleashing all Hell against Jesus., as if he said in sarcasm to Jesus… , “Ohh, so You’re going through with Your Father’s plans, aye? Well let me “contribute” to Your cause…..”
    I can’t fathom seeing the extreme suffering He went through as you witnessed … just imagine the attacks against His soul and spirit also! Satan and the demonic realm attacked Him in soul and spirit as well as body.. and not to mention Jesus.. Not One to flaunt Himself was stripped naked in front of all those who made no secret in how much they despised Him. .. spitting on Him. I can’t imagine what Mary was enduring. She and John were besides themselves in grief. I think it was an additional suffering for Jesus to see them in such emotional pain .
    When I first received Jesus as my Savior years ago, I was also shown that He died not just for any particular sinful acts on our part, but mainly for our entire fallen sinful nature! Even if a person never committed any sinful act whatsoever their entire lives and followed the 10 commandments perfectly, they still have a fallen human nature that He came to this Earth to redeem. They may have incredible will-power to never commit any sinful acts but they /we still have a fallen human nature that requires His Sacrifice!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Lisa have you ever seen the movie The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe? In the sacrifice scene Aslan is tied to a table and all the evil creatures taunt and stab and hurt Him. They are clearly terrified of Him at first but when they realized that He will not attempt to stop the sacrifice or retaliate they become frenzied and humiliate and torture Him. It was just like that. He could have destroyed them all with the Breath of His Mouth – He could have stopped the crucifixion at any time and stepped off of that Cross but he endured it all to the end. AMAZING!
    The other thing that comes to mind as I read your post is that he dwells OUTSIDE of time so that means EACH person gets to stand before Him and be redeemed – there is no time limit in how long that has to take because He is not subject to it. Thankfully for us this most AMAZING GIFT is not a generic one covering all our sins universally – Yeshua has made it very intimate and PERSONALLY DIED FOR EACH ONE OF US……so that through His Death we could have DEEP INTIMACY WITH HIM. He is supremely extravagant and generous beyond our ability to know. We have such an amazing Saviour! I am so glad we have eternity because without it we would not have enough TIME (our perception) to express our gratitude to Him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Opening to the book, ‘the Son of Man”, my eyes fell on this regarding Jesus as our Redeemer: “…they found the colt by a doorway where two roads met and untied it. That colt is a picture of unredeemed humanity- at a crossroad and unable to decide which road to take. But even if it could make the right choice, it was bound. Someone would have to untie it and indicate the right road.
      Mention is made in Exodus 13:13 that the firstling of the ass and the firstborn of man had to be redeemed by offering a lamb as a sacrifice in their stead. If not, the neck of the ass was broken, and it died. The ass appears meek and humble, but is very obstinate. The Israelites of old are often described as being a stiff-necked people..”
      The gentlest human by nature still has that stiff-necked obstinancy within.. ,
      That is very interesting , Sis., regarding Him dying for us individually.. because my entire life, I’ve always thought of His Sacrifice as a Universal Collective One. It is that, but it is also for each of us individually!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I used to watch The Passion around Easter every year. Now, it is unbarable to see or contemplate the absolute horror that my savior had to endure for me. It was me, I am the reason our beloved Jesus had to endure absolute agony. Jesus loved us far more than our human minds can understand. I now understand what the expression; you are bought at a very high price, means. My life was purchased with the screams of the ultimate sacrife, the broken body of the son of our living Father, YHWH. A sin, a lash, a carnal mistake, a drop of precious blood. Every blow onto a nail was caused by me……….That beautiful dear man withstood the pain of the world. Blindly we wade through the mud of this life thinking only of ourselves…..until one wonderful day we understand and our heart realizes, not our mind, that it has to be about love! Love for others, not ourselves, then we grow and our hearts scream……Jesus. Now we start over, as little children, this time our Father teaches us, our HEAVENLY FATHER whispers in our ears….trust my son and live, love my son and see………, accept my son and………….come unto Me a new creation of LOVE.

    God bless you all, I love you all, dwellers of Yeshua’s heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Beautifully put Jeff – yes YHWH deals with us through the HEART – the world glorifies and teaches the MIND. To SEE YHWH we must come to the Cross and see the sacrifice of His Beloved SON made for us with such love. This is the portal to true Understanding and Wisdom. Yeshua said I AM the Way – the Truth – the LIFE …..we come through HIM on the Cross. There is no place for self at the Cross – no Pride or Glory for us….when we look at what it cost the Father to bring us back home we can NEVER be prideful or vain glorioius again. Self dies at the Cross of Yeshua.
    When we come to Him with a cleansed Heart we meet Him there IN THE HEART. HE SAYS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN…. He dwells in our hearts! This site is aptly named because He tells us to seek Him with ALL OUR HEARTS. When we try to see Him with the MIND we are using the imagination and often the third eye if we have been opened to the Occult. We must therefore pray for Yeshua to close that eye and also the Pineal gland that is also opened with the occult and then pray this prayer…….Abba Father please open the EYES OF MY HEART – the EARS of my Heart and the UNDERSTANDING of my Heart – so that I may SEE – HEAR and UNDERSTAND the things of Your Kingdom. Create in me a new and a clean heart Abba because Your Word says blessed are the PURE IN HEART – for they shall SEE YHWH.
    The most beautiful place a man or woman can come to is the FOOT OF THE CROSS

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