Welcome to Heart Dwelling With Jesus!

We are a loose knit community of souls, of all ages, who live for Jesus and have found our rest in His Heart. In our thirty years of ministry, to Evangelical, Protestant Nondenominational, Catholic and Orthodox, we have found that the common driving ethic that unites us together in active ministry, is our deep love for Ezekiel and ClareJesus and the salvation of souls.

We have stepped outside of denominational/nondenominational walls to enter into the folds of His Heart, into a place where His love and a burning desire to do His will, have dissolved the walls that once divided us. Living in His Heart, where the flames of love consume all our impurities and make us burn with the loving desire to please Him, and bring relief to other souls, brings us into a unique relationship where His love draws us beyond all natural boundaries that limited what we were capable of doing, and where we were able to go in the past. Our purpose and passion is to give ourselves completely for the kingdom of God on Earth. Our hearts butn with God’s compassion for the alienated, lost and confused who are victims of this world’s corruption, especially in these times approaching His Second Coming…

Now we have begun this blog in order to post all the wonderful fruit that has come from the teachings and words our Lord has given us! Listed here you will find the experiences and stories of  Heartdwellers from all over the world, souls who have been personally touched by the hand of our Lord Jesus Christ. Won’t you join us, and become a Heartdweller, too?



229 thoughts on “Welcome to Heart Dwelling With Jesus!

  1. Pingback: Welcome to Heart Dwelling With Jesus! – JESUS – Schäfchen werden-sein-bleiben

  2. Hello fellow heartdwellers I have been a Christian believer for over 52 years and I’ll tell you the truth I am desperate now for a breakthrough from God I have many issues in my life if at the moment namely for my heart condition which is called heart failure and also so for my finances which are so very low and poor and finally because I am desperately lonely I have got what a relationship of sorts with somebody in Nigeria who is a Christian young lady we have have had a relationship for just over 6 years so I am begging you all for your prayers in the name of Jesus Christ gods only son AMEN

    Liked by 2 people

    • My prayers are with you heartdweller. Never give up! God is always by our side. Things come in His time.
      Blessings to you!


      • Thank you Ezekiel and your wife for everything you do for Jesus and our Father! I was lead to your ministry on you Tube. Thank you for helping me stay close to Jesus and the Father! I love the messages Jesus and The Father sends. They are informative and help us keep going in these very difficult times.
        Blessings to you both!


    • Grüß Gott, gibt es eine deutschsprachige
      Gruppe von Clare, die man unterstützen kann? Ich habe hier Gleichgesinnte gefunden und bin sehr dankbar für die Briefe, die Schulung, die Ermutigung, die spürbare Liebe. GOTT SEI DANK Maria


  3. Pingback: The Day of The Lord Is Upon Us - Good Info

  4. Pingback: The Day of The Lord Is Upon Us – Good Info

  5. Pingback: The Lord is Restoring His Church - Good Info

  6. Dear Clare,

    My Still Small Voice Jesus-encounter began with you, about 2014 – maybe spring-summer? – via youtube – in that prophetic video-message where a girl-soul is standing against a tree – a shadowy image there – cannot recollect in full – but it was so across to me – for I was more than just in a fog or uncertainty – I felt hopeless because of sins – and also on the eve of a decision to find God somehow – apart from those few former years in which I had entered spiritual ground through devil possession – attempts to survive both spiritually and physically. And here I found myself AK – at the keyboard – as a student hardly more than a year ‘back on track’ – and here through your voice, Clare – Jesus speaking. At first I was too numbed – for at once I sensed that Higher Presence there – and so close at the same time. Then I was moved to tears – of despair and hope at the same time; that bittersweet solution where earth marries heaven. And since that time, even when I was on personal tasks with God – I never quite remoted from Still Small Voice. Those various messages, some of them so to a T in terms of global and my own circumstances; those heartfelt songs of Ezekiel; that capstone of the Song of Songs; so much – above and beyond… time and again, – I felt here ‘my heart burned within me.’

    I thank God for Himself. I thank You Jesus for Still Small Voice. It is a unique effort to infuse the world with You; and to break my barrenness – of all the miracles.

    Jesus, bless from both Your Heart and mine – Clare, Ezekiel, Nana, Carol, Amelia, – and so many more I can’t recall by name but feel by heart


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  7. Thank you mother Clare, and father Lord.

    Gênesis 1:28
    And God blessed them, and God said to them, Be fruitful, and multiply

    Mateus 13:8
    But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundred times, some sixty times, some thirty times.

    Lucas 8:11
    Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.

    Atos 12:24
    But the word of God grew and multiplied.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Avoid A Contaminated Christmas - Good Info

  9. Pingback: Introduction to the new Binding Prayer 9 26 2017 - Good Info

  10. Thank you Claire for all you do. i would like to donate to your ministry an you please contact me on where to send the money please. Much love and respect.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi! I just saw your message and found the donation link for you as well as Claire’s mailing address: heartdwellers.org/donate-1.html —-or by mail: Clare du Bois, P.O. Box 1113, Taos, New Mexico, 87571
      “We are a full-time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you a hundred-fold, both now and in the age to come. You can’t out-give the Lord! May He enfold you in His Loving Arms.”


  11. One more thing can you please direct me to the video about essential oils. i was given some of those oils and i remember you saying something about how GOD didnt want you using them. I dont really remember which teaching it was can you please help.


      • Hello Lisa I have a question. Is Trumpet call of GOD channel on YouTube connected to this ministry. It’s where I first heard of Claire. I ask because some of the other people that speak on that channel conflicts with what Claire speaks from GOD. Is it just a channel where they just put up different people they think hear from GOD or are you all in union or on the same page. It’s just confusing sometimes.


    • we’re locked 🔒 out of the orphanage with my 37 orphans children here who really needs your help most is food support and orphanage rent

      It’s too cold 🥶 out here and this babies can’t sustain this

      The work you do today may be difficult and tiring, but we should still thank God for it because it is His gift to us – the ability to provide for our needs.

      The people who give you their food give you their heart. Sharing food with another human being is an intimate act that should not be indulged in lightly.


  12. WOW! WOW! WOW! It’s been a while since I have written but I must say, this message is worthy of note. I recently had an experience that changed my life and thoughts about the ARMOR OF GOD. I will try to keep this short so I will leave out some details. As I was heading to work on a Sunday morning just a few weeks ago, I had some music on worshiping the Lord and as I was praying to Lord I had just gotten to the shield of protection or is it faith ? And the cloak of opposite. Forgive I get confused which each one does stil .. but as I just finished with these 2 items , I found myself out of control on the road as apparently had just hit black ice. I must go back and say I was convicted by being one of those who did not put on their ARMOR on a regular basis so was trying to make provision for that. So anyway, I’m out of control on black ice (which at my house it was not icy but when I went out of control was on a bridge over a river) I hit the brakes and locked them up and rammed into the median barrier and pin balled back to side barrier and came to a stop. At which point I got out to assess the damage. The airbag did go off and was undrivable but was Un hurt. THEN I took a few pics and started making phone calls as was on the shoulder. NOW I was just feet away from my broken down 4 Runner facing traffic, and AS I LOOKED UP A TOYOTA TACOMA WAS SLIDING OUT OF CONTROL TOWARDS ME. I should also note that on the shoulder next to barrier is a tall concrete wall … SO NO ESCAPE .. truck is is coming at me sideways and my first thought was R U FREAKING KIDDING ME?? like don’t they see I’m along side the road broken down although 1/2 way in right lane and shoulder AND I ADMITTEDLY AM NOT THE MOST HOLIEST AND ALL I COULD SAY I “HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT” and as the truck got closer I narrowly jumped over the front corner of its bumper and was not touched or hit AT ALL!!! That was my YOU TUBE Near death moment BUT unfortunately was being filmed.. The truck continued past me , HIT THE WALL SPUN AROUND AND SLAMMED INTO THE SIDE OF MY TRUCK !!! PRAISE GOD PRAISE PRAISE GOD!!! 2 ACCIDENTS AND NOT A SCRATCH ON ME. Trucks totaled but it had a good life of over 300k but I will never forget that day. I NOW PUT ON MY ARMOR EVERYDAY! On a side note I have noticed some worldly lists of the flesh getting to me one day and I realized I had not put my ARMOR on that morning yet BUT as soon as I put on the HELMET OF SALVATION the thoughts from the evil one was quieted! THANK YOU LORD FOR THIS WONDERFUL GIFT.. I EMPLORE U BROTHERS AND SISTERS, TREAT IT LIKE CLOTHING .. DONT START YOUR DAY WITHOUT IT!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Brother, I really don’t know.. some say that they are a bit “off” on some of the messages. I have heard their videos a few times, but not enough to make any kind of assessment. Probably alot gets missed in the translation and when they are reading things, they may be adding things that Claire never said.. or taking out stuff.. Just be careful because some do things like that without even realizing. When I want to listen to what our Lord is saying to Clare, I just go right to their Heartdwellers’ website and read the PDF files or listen to the old videos. Best to get the message straight from the source. God bless you , lisa


  13. Kim Dowds
    Dear Clare, April 2020

    I have been following your messages given to you by our Lord Jesus for over a year and they have really touched my life and meant so much to me. I feel like you are a spiritual mother to me even though we have never met in person. I am having a difficult problem. I know that Jesus doesn’t recommend that we bother you or ask you questions but I am desperate for answers. I can’t seem to make a connection with Jesus no matter what I do or how hard that I try. I try to pray and worship everyday, confess all of my sins to him, be kind and obedient but I just don’t feel him connecting with me.
    I am so sad and upset , I have asked and pleaded to be able to see , hear and have intimacy with him…just some kind of special closeness and connection of His choosing but it just never comes. I feel like he has discounted me and rejected me for some reason. I feel heartbroken, I can’t live without Him in my life. Maybe He can tell you ,what’s wrong with me? Am I unworthy for some reason? I’m sorry but I don’t know where else to turn for answers. Maybe He can tell you what I’m doing wrong and how to correct it.

    Kim Dowds

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    • Jesus explains… These are the Reasons, why you can’t hear Me

      March 28, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

      Clare began… Thank you Lord for holding me so tenderly and showing me the many faces I have adored You in…and melding them into this.

      Jesus answered… “My Bride, I didn’t want you to feel alienated from Me, I truly am all those things to you, yes, indeed the pictures you have used capture unique facets of My person and I have no objection to you using them. I only want for you to be acquainted with My actual face so that you will in no way be shocked when you see Me.”

      (Clare) Oh Sweet Lord, how kind you are to me.

      (Jesus) “Oh Sweet Bride, how I love you.”

      (Clare) You certainly show it in so many ways, I am totally overwhelmed by Your gifts to us. Please comfort Ezekiel, please pull him out of the doldrums. Please?

      (Jesus) “My Love he is carrying a very heavy cross for Me right now. Shall I remove it from him?”

      (Clare) Well, no, perhaps if I explain that he will carry it with more confidence.

      (Jesus) “Perhaps. But he has offered himself to Me as a total sacrifice so many times, and I rejoice to share with him what I must endure on behalf of souls.”

      (Clare) I thought you endured all that on the cross.

      (Jesus) “Sins, yes, but the dynamics of brewing situations, no. There is much tension in Heaven right now as well. We are all on the edge of our seats, so to speak. (Carol’s vision) Waiting, waiting, waiting.”

      (Clare) I thought you said last night, ‘a date has been set.’ ?

      (Jesus) “I did indeed, and that is what we are waiting on. You know how it feels to wait, however you have not nor will you ever know what waiting for this moment is like. It is like non other in history. It is horrendous. Waiting, waiting, waiting.”

      (Clare) Can You tell me more?

      (Jesus) “No My Love, except that you are very close.”

      (Clare) Close in time or close in thinking?

      (Jesus) “Both.”

      (Clare) OK.

      (Jesus) “Listen to Me, dear one, hold up under the pressures of this life only just a little more, don’t grow weary in well doing as you began to do today. I would say to you, you will receive your reward, but I know better, it is not for reward that you do this. You truly are a shepherdess, laying your life down day after day for the sheep. This is what I have always wanted for you.”

      “There are many who wish to have this relationship with Me. I exclude no one, let that be made clear. My arms are wide open to all who seek Me…until they find Me. I am not an easy catch. I need to know how much I am wanted, I need to see a relentless bride searching hi and low for Me. Then, I shall surprise her with My presence. Most people give up way too easily, this is the majority of the problem.”

      “Most people give in to the lies of the enemy, ‘you’re not worthy.’ Nothing could be further from the truth, unless you want to say, ‘Unless you are willing to seek Me until you find Me you are not worthy.’ Now that would be correct.”

      “The other issue of purity is also major. Two facets: one is that the more stimulus you glean from the world, the less sensitive you are to My presence, My still small voice, My gentle breeze and embrace.”

      “The other facet is uncleanliness. Feeding on the filth of the world makes a heart very soiled and unfit as a habitation. The house must be clean or at least committed to cleanliness.”

      (Clare) Wow Lord. We needed to hear this!

      (Jesus) “I know. Oh how I love each and every one that is seeking Me. That is why I am here to explain the direction they need to take. You know the things that offend Me. Sin offends Me very much. Sin in clothing, or lack of it, sin in violence, crime, hatred, gossip, backbiting, jealousy, adulteries. Soap operas are the epitome of sin and extremely noxious to Me. Like your nose in fresh dog excrement noxious. I mean very, very bad. These things not only offend Me but also the Heavenly court, the angels and the saints. Yet in your world they are matter of fact part of every day life.”

      “If My Bride wants to find Me, she must lay aside these things and purify her heart and mind from all forms of entertainment that portray sin. This means music, clothing, behavior, speech, murder mysteries, wars, things that portray sin in any form. I don’t have a problem with biographies that show the progress of a soul coming to Me, that don’t make entertainment out of their sin, but simply portray where they were. It is the scintillating entertainments that spoil the perception of the delicate and clean things, dulling the senses and offending Me greatly.”

      “Understand, that I too must endure what you are watching and thinking about. I too am in that bedroom watching unspeakable filth, I too am at that murder scene with all its suffering, I too am present at that intrigue that will steal and ruin the lives of hundreds caused by greedy men. These things HURT Me. Please My Brides, do not watch these things in movies or TV they are SO hurtful to Me. Do not listen to music or look at magazines, billboards, pictures that depict suffering and sin.”

      (Clare) Lord, I remember how you recoiled at some of the images I was going to use for the nuclear war video.

      (Jesus) “Oh Yes, horror of horrors, I created that soul, to see his very body on fire disturbs Me deeply. Remember I was there when that soul set fire to his body, I too felt the suffering, I had to work with his soul, determining his destination. No, No! Do not trouble Me with what you look at, listen to, think about. No. No. Do not put Me through that.”

      “How can I embrace a Bride, when her mind is full of filth such as this? These things have half lives, they linger and linger and linger. Over and over again I must see these things as they are recalled to your memory.”

      “Do you understand, “Blessed are the pure for they shall see God.”? Do you now understand why so many cannot find Me in their prayers? Yes, seek Me until you find Me, but first, clean your house. Come to Me clean, create a throne room in your heart that is undefiled with the filth of this world. And I must say it is not only filth, but worldliness that is offensive to Me.”

      “Carnal preoccupations with cooking, sewing, decorating, buying, selling, having this and having that. Wanting this and wanting that. Oh those idols are detestable to Me and when I find that kind of clutter in a heart, I want to run the other way. And when I see that a soul prefers that to My company, well My heart collapses in sadness. Oh how could you prefer these worthless idols to Me, how could you?”

      “I’m not talking about when you fall into a mood, or are deeply hurt and disappointed and you head for the Hagen-daas and a movie. Although keep the movie pure. I’m talking about making a conscious decision to forego time with Me for useless things. That’s why I get so disappointed with you when you follow rabbit trails on the internet. What a waste of time. And you are getting much better My Love, not following news stories that bait your curiosity. Much better.”

      “These are willful sins you do not recognize, ‘Oh Lord cleanse me from my unknown sins.’ When you get done surfing, you feel conviction, ‘You know, I shouldn’t have wasted all that time.’ Your heart sinks a little knowing you’ve disappointed Me. Not only have you wasted time, you’ve also filled your mind with unnecessary cares, then you speak them out to others and pass them around, so you not only affect yourself but others as well, giving them a bad example. Do you see what I see, now?”

      (Clare) Yes Lord, even for the first time, I am understanding why I feel a certain way after doing something that wasn’t your perfect will.

      (Jesus) “Well, My Brides, I am not saying this to condemn you, do you understand that? I am answering your prayers, this is what I require of you, this is why you have such a hard time seeing and hearing Me. Work on this and I will bless you with visitations and consolations. I promise you.”

      “Well, that’s enough to chew on for tonight My dove. Thank you for responding to Me so readily, all the dear ones on your channel have been on My heart, and now we can all work together to fulfill your dreams and desires to be with Me.”

      “I love you all dearly and tenderly. I am coming for you. Prepare yourselves.”

      Liked by 2 people

    • You can never be unworthy… I’d advise to just stop trying so hard. To just stop and breathe. Lay down and relax. Put on worship music or an instrumental and just take time to pour your heart out or just try and find peace. God has his timing always, and it’s always perfect. Pray to him and trust him. Know that he’s there and that you’re loved because really, sometimes, well, most times, it’s just impossible to feel it. Maybe go to the Heartdweller website and go under Rhema and ask Him to give you a message and click on it. I was just in this state not too long ago. But don’t get caught up in the despair and great sorrow you feel. Claim victory, pray “Thank you that you ARE with me, that you DO love me, that you DO care” Take the lies spiraling in your mind and reverse them and change them into praise that what you feel is in fact not the truth. Even if you are crying while thanking him, even if you are barely hanging on. Just know. Just trust him. Relax, don’t try so hard to go to him, let him come to you because he DOES love you, you ARE worthy, he DOES want a relationship, and he IS present. He loves you ever so dearly and you are precious to him. And every ounce of pain you feel is doubled in him. Bring your sorrow and fear and pain to him and let him in. Imagine him holding you. Don’t let demons bring on lies and kick you around like a soccer ball (they did that with me for quite some time). Take authority and have peace in His truth and don’t curl up because of lies. You are worth so much to him. Remember, your worth is in his blood. He is deeply in love with you and doesn’t want you in pain. This IS truth that he has spoken over all of us. Let his truth and sweet consolations fill you and heal you. Don’t listen to lies. Just breathe, and know that he’s always at your right side, holding you close to his heart.

      Sending you love and prayers!!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Dear Heartdwellers,
    Please pray for me for iam suffering right now with ear infection and its kinda very painful its affecting my activities. Please pray for my healing in Jesus almighty name.

    Sincerely yours,
    Ryan Al

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  15. Dear Clare, thank you for your dialog with Jesus – and we can learn how we can love him and speak with him. You are so sweet and human. I love you.

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  16. Thank you for allowing Jesus use you to bless us.A lot of things are being put in shape in my life. But I still have issues am asking Jesus to help me. I willing to know Jesus more. Can he help me?I sometimes fail hIm as a mother, so scared about missing the rapture because am heavily in debt.I need heaven’s intervention to pay my debt. Please pray for me I want Jesus more than ever but my distractions are to many. Debbie

    Liked by 1 person

    • I pray für you. I must translate your message later. Be strong, be in love.

      Heart Dwelling With Jesus schrieb am Mo., 19. Apr. 2021, 23:44:

      > DEBORAH commented: “Thank you for allowing Jesus use you to bless us.A lot > of things are being put in shape in my life. But I still have issues am > asking Jesus to help me. I willing to know Jesus more. Can he help me?I > sometimes fail hIm as a mother, so scared about missin” >

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hallo Debbie,
      sorry for my English. Now I translated your message. I am a mother too. Without childrens. They are in the normal, other world – without me. It was the way with JC. My way.. Nobody is without debt.
      One day I sayd to me : if I belive, that JC forgived me, than is it good now a n d I must forgive me too.
      There are so many childrens in this world und we can give our power, love and oll this good things them ( today Debbie) – who need and wont our love, thoughts and truth from JC.
      I have a question – Witch distractions , no – which distractions ? It is a big fight with a big power again us. But JC in us is match stronger.
      Can everybody read this on your webside? or is this private?
      I hope you can understand my bad English.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. My encounter with Jesus came from outside any church or preacher. May 2018 I was minding my own business. Mowing my yard. Suddenly the spirit of God appeared and spoke a message. The message came both visually and audible. Visually the words “Get Your House In Order” scrolled across my vision just like storm alerts do on tv screen. While at the same time I heard the words within my mind very clearly. I knew instantly I had just heard from God. What I did not know was why? I felt very naked and exposed. Ashamed. I was trembling and sweating profusely. I fell to my knees and said “God? What do you want from me?”
    He said: “What is a prophet?”
    As he spoke he showed me (or brought to mind) the front cover of my favorite children’s book as a kid “ Jonah and the whale”
    I said: “I know what a prophet is, but why me?” “I am a sinner. I am a broken person.”

    He said: “Do I use the whole to witness to the broken? Surely not. I use the broken to witness to the broken” “All you must be is willing”

    I said: “ you know what a coward I am, but If you give me strength and courage am willing. I will go for you.” “Help me to understand”

    He said : “ we need to get you cleaned up first. “

    Then over the next many months he put me through what he described as his “Refining Fire”. Which amounted to a spiritual walk through of my life. Which played out like watching a movie. Making me answer for each sin.

    After that process was completed.
    In January 2019 as I was just getting settled into my office for the work day, An angel appeared. He poured oil on my head which felt as if it ran all the way down my body down to my toes. He took control of my hands and had me type out a message
    “From this moment forth you shall walk in a spirit of truth and transparency for you have been chosen Says the Lord”

    Ever since that day I receive visual, physical, and spiritual cues in daily guidance.

    Summarized here
    If you want to see my full testimonials see Rapture Rescue on YouTube and look for the circular icon with Jesus as a shepherd.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow.. thanks so much for sharing your testimony! I was spirutally woke up (not the type of “woke” that they refer to in today’s generation) around 2012-2013.. and our Lord basicaly stirred me right up with the message in my heart that I also needed to “get my house in order”. I felt a sense of urgency and wondered if the Lord was preparing me to get ready because I would die soon, unexpectedly. Now I also
      believe He did this to many of us backslidden Foolish Virgin Christians as a spiritual wake-up call . As we see today, things are definitely spiralling downwards in not only the World, but especially in the U.S.A., , Australia, The Middle East, China, Cuba, etc…etc.. Everything Jesus mentioned in the scriptures of the End times is happening…( Anti-Semitism is also growing at an alarming rate.. which saddens me, because the U.S., should know better)

      The Lord chooses those who Choose Him. Many are called but few are chosen, because few choose to be willing to pay that price to belong purely to Him! Love in Jesus, brother! Thank you so much for your testimony. I subscribed to your Youtube channel


  18. Dear Clare and Ezekiel Du Bois,

    I want to say Thank you to you an all the Heartdweller Members all over the World.

    I know That you are very tired and sometimes be very powerless. I would like to tell you in this way that it was not in vain.

    Through your bravery, your love, your devotion, your perseverance to this day, but through your constant prayers and sacrifices, Jesus the Lord has been able to reach me.

    A thousand times God repays what you have done for me and for all humanity to this day.

    Without you, I would have been lost long ago.

    I would love to be a heart dweller. If this is not too late, may I join you?
    I have already tried several times to log in, but it never worked.

    I would be very happy if I could be a member. Please sign me in. Here is my e-mail address:

    I will be very happy about a message from you.

    Kind regards and God’s abundant blessings from Bochum, Germany.

    Deborah Vogel

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Deborah, you are more than welcome to be a Heart Dweller for Jesus- I don’t think there is an official sign-up form, but I will be informing everyone on the Heart Dweller’s prayer list and adding your email so that they can have you on the list for joining with everyone to pray for the people, situations, etc, that are requested. Also, I need to mention that the Still Small Voice channel is no longer on YouTube. They are on Vimeo and Bit Chute now, but all of their new videos are only being added on the BitChute channel. Their link is; https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LFuaxHA1eF3k/


      • Dear lovely Lisa,

        Thank you very much for your kind message and loving help.
        I know that the YouTube channel no longer exists. This has also fallen victim to the arbitrary censorship on the part of Google.
        Thank you for the link to the BitChute channel.

        I would be happy if we could stay in touch. Kind regards

        Deborah Vogel

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Deborah! Yes, that would be nice 🙂 I have my own channel on BitChute as well– still under “God’sWorkInProgress” and that’s the same title as my Youtube and Vimeo channel also.
        hugs, lisa


  19. Our Sweet Lord Jesus wants us to come to His Mother. Catholics love our Blessed Mother Mary and it was from Her that she leads me to His Son. I am a Catholic, but not a catechize Catholic. I am ignorant to my religion and through Our Mother Mary I encounter Our Lord through His Sacraments that He left in Catholic Church. I love Our Lord and I need the help of His Blessed Mother cause without Her intercession it will be very difficult.

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  20. Holy Spirit Gave me this poem at 2am.

    The spirit’s wind will sweep the land, it’s reach from shore to shore.
    The earth will shake with thunderous sound, then hear my lions roar.
    Turn upwards your eyes to gaze upon heaven’s open door.
    I come for you my ready brides then parted never more.
    Look up, look up, my faithful ones.
    Nigh is your reward!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. A Psalm of Redemptive Praise
    “Pick of Your Cross and Follow Me”

    Where you send me, I will go.
    As people travel to and fro.
    Knowledge abounds yet blindness grows
    Still endless grace and mercy flows.

    With Sin my soul was crimson stained
    My death was owed, your love refrained.
    Abominations thrived and evil reigned
    In pride I scoffed, your name defamed.

    You gave up your life upon that tree
    It is finished was your humble plea.
    As your blood did flow and breath did flee
    As a pearl of great price you purchased me.

    Darkness departed, the blind did see
    My debt was paid, my soul set free.
    This parting charge was plead by thee.
    To pick up your cross and follow me.

    At first I failed your sacrifice to see,
    That through your blood you set me free.
    With grateful heart it honors me,
    To pick up my cross and follow thee.

    Written by Philip Stockwell

    Liked by 1 person

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  23. Dear mother Claire I m communicating with you for the first time since I followed heartdwellers in 2015. I’m in South Africa. I need your prayers family because today I lost my marriage as a pastor’s wife. I had to make a stand for my beliefs especially in the Virgin Mary. Without warning I had to say goodbye to my husband of 22 years.


    • Dear sister, am praying for you… I will send your message on to the Heartdweller’s prayer team. Your husband means well, but many who are not Catholic are afraid that to acknowledge Mary other than just the physical mother of Jesus is parallel to idolatry. Some in the Body of Christ may go the other extreme and make Mary out to be some sort of goddess..
      All I know is, that though i am not Catholic..I had first hand experience of her praying over me. Back in October 2020 I had COVID, but still went to work anyway.. as we are in an isolated part of the building and all those mandates didnt happen yet. I was so fatigued and sick that I could barely drag myself to work, but I knew I had to be there or the department would have fallen apart.. as two other coworkers also came down with COVID.
      One day while at work, I felt Jesus’s presence and I heard Him in my spirit say, “Stop your work and bow your head before my Mother. She will pray for you”. And I sensed a female presence before me as well., and felt her pray in tongues for me (through the Holy Spirit) While Jesus was standing on my other side. I did not see them visibally but I sensed them strongly there… and I sensed that Mary is more on the petite side, while Jesus is about 6’2″.
      After she prayed, I felt a surge of energy.. and while I did not totally heal all at once, I was able to get through my day without dragging myself.. and eventually our Lord completed the healing process and I totally healed… all without having to take any medicine or go to a hospital. (But the Lord did lead me in what foods to eat )
      So I learned first hand that Mary is a true spiritual mother of mothers for the whole Body of Christ. We are not to worship her, as she wants us to focus on her Son, Jesus.. but we are to acknowledge that she is blessed and works with Jesus in His Kingdom… and yes, many have had visitations of her as she actively works for our Lord in His Kingdom.
      I’ll pray for your husband that he may realize that while we are not to worship Mary, we can embrace her as our spiritual mother because she is Jesus’s mother ,and so therefore she is also ours too..
      Hang in there.. keeping you in our prayers and will send your message to our Heartdweller Team.
      hugs, sis lisa


      • Dear Lisa thank you so much for praying for me and for having the heart dwelling family pray for me and my husband. I believe I will have my home rebuilt again. God has been visiting me with dreams regarding my marriage situation. I have hope. May
        God bless you all. Thank you ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  24. Dear family

    I thank God for Mother Clare and Father Ezekiel for your obedience to follow the Lord’s call. I’m part of your family and I have found a pearl of great price, indeed it has cost me my marriage but the comfort I received through numerous rhema messages I received from the Lord is unbelievable. I cannot believe I’m smiling and so in love with the Lord. My husband came to hand me a devorce certificate yesterday afternoon, but know
    I’m interceding for him to see and love Jesus the way I do. Thank you family for
    Your prayers and support.


    • Hi Thabile, thank you for letting us know how you are doing and sharing how the Lord is comforting you during such a trying season. We, your Heartdweller family, will continue to lift you and family up in prayer while our Lord continues to meet and guide you in such miraculous and beautiful ways.
      God Bless you sister!


      • Dear family

        I’m am doing well and full of Hope thanks to the Lord. I’m still having dreams of revelation regarding my husband and me. On the day of Lent in the morning I had a dream my husband and Me were observing our marriage bed. It was huge covered in White fine linen and purple clothes. It had protruding sides just like the cross ☦️. Two couples were making use of the left and right hand sides of the bed. But the left hand side was torn. Then I had my husband saying this pastor does not fear God. These dreams seem to be a continuous story in the last 4 dreams, at first I was visiting him in his single apartment I saw myself telling him that this is a suffering though he did not respond. In the following dream I was informing a pastor in the church where he is that my husband doesn’t belong there and that he belongs to another denomination at the end of the dreams he tied a silver double strand chord around my ring finger. I marveled at the beauty on my finger. The next we were rehearsing for for our wedding which was very extravagant. I was in my wedding gown. I found a suitcase full of jewelry which was glorious I know do not have it here on earth. I took two pairs of earrings that resembled clusters of grapes in design but they were crystals.
        The last dream I was sleeping on the bench inside a parish with very long pews. Jesus came came toward me. Then my husband and I were asleep outside the church then moved to resting on the other side then lastly inside the building but in the side room extending from the main hall. I looked up in the hall and saw the child Jesus. He was suspended in the air opposite us. He was intently looking at us than immediately we’re led into our private room and given nice cloth to place on the floor for us to rest as a couple. I’m asking for help with decernment family.

        May God bless you family


  25. I am just starting my spiritual journey and I have been having strange dreams and I don’t know what they mean but some of them were not from the Father can you inquire him about me I’m lost I need guidance I want to know what spirit I have my email is coreen1983@gmail.com Thanks in advance and can you pray for me as well My name is Renisha


  26. Hi Renisha,
    I’m praying for you. I hope you have been able to receive clarity and discernment about your dreams, since you last posted. 🙏🏽


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